New Table Tops for Fudpucker's Destin

If you've been reading this blog for the past couple years, you know that Andy has an ongoing creative relationship with Fudpucker's, which has been a locally owned and operated restaurant since inception in 1982. Father Fud a.k.a. Chester Kroeger is a dear family friend, so Andy is always excited to start new projects with him. (By the way, you can read an interview between Fudpucker's and Andy that was posted on their web site last month.)


Three years ago, Andy did a lot of work in the Fudpucker's Down Under Bar. Now, once again, Andy has a project going with the restaurant. He's spending part of this month painting the table tops for them, which you'll soon be able to see scattered throughout the Destin restaurant. While the Down Under Bar primarily features alligators and fish, the newly painted table tops feature a variety of wildlife and even some surfers!

On your next visit to Fudpucker's in Destin, ask to sit at one of "Andy's tables," then show the love by posting photos on Instagram (tag @AndySaczynski and @Fudpuckers so we can see them). While there, why not try their alligator gumbo or fried alligator? You can't get it anywhere else in town! If you're not quite that adventurous, I'd recommend the Fudburger, my personal favorite. If you have kids with you, be sure to visit Gator Beach (it's free!). Our little boys are fascinated with the gators, especially the albino one, although we haven't convinced them to hold a gator yet (and yes, that's really an option)...
